Wednesday 3 September 2008

Ed Harcourt joins the Streets

Ed Harcourt may be busy creating the soundtrack for the next Donnie Darko moving picture, but he's also establish time to play mandolin for the Streets.

The Mercury-nominated singer-songwriter was called into Mike Skinner's recording sessions after Harcourt's wife became involved. "My wife plays violin on the record and they needed someone who could play banjo and mandolin," Harcourt explained to BBC 6 Music. "I happened to be nearby."

The Streets' PlayStation rap music is a far cry from Harcourt's torch songs, but he is yet a adult fan. "I think the Streets are great. I can't wait to hear it. I've heard songs that I'm playing on that are amazing. [Mike Skinner] has definitely got something to say, I think."

Alongside process for the Streets, the Veils and singer-songwriter Lisa Mitchell, Harcourt is too very busy with his soundtrack for Chris Fisher's controversial Donnie Darko subsequence []. Though S. Darko is an official Darko sequel, it does not feature of speech the involvement � or blessing � of original creator Richard Kelly.

"It's going be one of those fairly experimental things," Harcourt said of the soundtrack. "I've been listening to a lot of Philip Glass and John Adams. I've been inspired by the Record for a Dream soundtrack and William Basinski and his Disintegration Loops [albums]. It's leaving to be weird, dingy ambient kind of stuff."

"You get sent a gravelly cut of the film and and then you learn it. I've got to buy the equipment to be able to do it. So it's trial and error really. I'm quite new to it."

In that case, Ed, put aside the grunge mandolin and get to it!

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